Monday, October 17, 2011

Law of Motion Newton's About Students In Thesis


The following explanation of Newton's Three Laws of Motion Students About To Working Thesis:

Explanation of the First Law
A student who stops to work on thesis tends to remain stopped for thesis work, or if the thesis work will continue moving at the same time to work on thesis unless he got a boost from the faculty mentor.

Explanation of the Second Law
A student will speed up the thesis with acceleration comparable with the encouragement of the faculty mentor and inversely proportional to the mass (weight) are borne by the student (eg, motivation from yourself (the more motivated, the smaller the mental burden borne), employment, etc.)

Explanation of the Third Law
Any action imposed on the students will give a reaction from students. Example: Students will find an excuse to delay thesis was doing when the supervisor gives encouragement to the students who dibimbingnya.


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