Monday, October 17, 2011

Differences Ext3 and Ext 4


Since February, I really wanted to install Linux, back repentance. : D But it was only accomplished now. I do not have 4-year use Linux, so I'm very old school to say all this linux problem.

What's interesting about this new Linux was named the new Ext4 filesystem. What could it matter? Having said Mbah Wiki, finally caught, too different.

First, compared with ext3 or ext2 that use block mapping scheme to do the writing on the hard drive or other storage device, ext4 has been able to use the scheme extents. What's the difference scheme extents with block mapping scheme? Block mapping scheme, will lock a block of addresses on the file system to a file, regardless of the size of the file, either the file size is larger than the blocks provided or smaller. If smaller, then there are the rest of the unused space. If the file size larger than the size of the blocks are provided, then the file is stored in a fractional size blocks are available, which is also possible, and chances are, there is space remaining. The drawback? Many of the remaining disk space. Therefore, when we look at the size of hard drive space and total file size was different, as though there is still space, but we can not store data whose size is less than the remaining space. This weakness is covered by the scheme extents.

Second, the number of subdirectories. The number of subdirectory on ext4 subdirectory could reach 64,000, compared with ext3 which only reach 32,000 subdirectories.

Third, the time limits. Dating system ext3 only until the year 2038. Just like dating system programs created with Fortran used only until the year 2000 (Y2K Millennium Bug). For ext4 dating system, have until the year 2242.

That's three main differences that I encountered between ext3 and ext4. Anyone know more?


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